Auth Service Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Peach Payments
During our scheduled maintenance window for the auth-service this morning we encountered unexpected issues with our deployment infrastructure (task runners) which would have led to an overrun on our timeline.

We elected to abort the deployment and re-schedule instead of introducing more risk to the process. Our SRE team will re-schedule a future maintenance window the auth-service in the near future.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Posted Jun 06, 2024 - 06:41 SAST
Scheduled maintenance is still in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 06, 2024 - 06:38 SAST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 06, 2024 - 06:00 SAST
Peach Payments will be performing Scheduled Maintenance of the Auth service on 6th June 2024 at 06:00 SAST.

The maintenance window will last one hour and will be attended by senior representatives of Peach Payments' Engineering, Ops and SRE teams.

No downtime is expected to occur during the maintenance window. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Posted Jun 03, 2024 - 09:55 SAST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Peach card processing platform and Checkout.